Articles from May 2018
Dr. Siegfried Janz Appointed to the Pathology Endowed Professorship in Cancer Research
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Dr. Siegfried “Siggy” Janz has been appointed Endowed Professor in Cancer Research by the University of Iowa Provost’s office effective April 1st, 2018...
Rachel Dahl Defends her Pathology M.S. Thesis
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Rachel Dahl (M.S. in Pathology) successfully defended her thesis entitled Targeting Interleukin-6 Trans-signaling in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma” this past April...
Sung Jo Defends his Pathology M.S. Thesis
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Sung Jo (M.S. in Pathology) recently defended his thesis entitled Targeting MSH2-MSH6 Heterodimer in Treating Basal-like Breast Cancer...