The DeGowin Blood Center (DBC) is committed to assisting the research enterprise of the University of Iowa and will make every effort to accommodate research requests. However, patient care will always take priority over research activities. This policy applies to request for cones, blood donor samples, blood products, cord samples and expired patient samples and products. DeGowin has IRB approval (201402735) to distribute de-identified specimens.

All research requests for DBC services must be submitted via a Research Application for Utilizing Pathology Services (RA Path) form. However, any research requesting components or samples only, needs to obtain prior approval from the department. This approval process starts by the researcher submitting the following, completed, form: Research Application for DeGowin Blood Center Products (RA DBC Products).

Viewing the PDF forms in web browsers may limit functionality, please download each form to complete.

All researchers who receive products from DeGowin Blood Center must complete a Disclaimer of Biological Safety statement signed by the principal investigator (PI) or responsible designee. The waiver documents acknowledgment by the PI that the components may not meet regulatory standards for transfusable blood components and should be handled as potentially biohazardous material.

Unless collected by IRB-approved protocol with donor consent, per Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) guidance (8/10/2004), products released to research laboratories will be identified by coded information. The code key is maintained by DBC, and an Agreement Regarding Non-Disclosure of Donor Information must be signed by the investigator and DBC indicating that DBC will under no circumstances reveal identifiable private information or the code key to investigators. Non-identifying private information about the donor may be made available to the investigator upon request, including infectious disease testing results, gender, medications, age (in years) and ABO/Rh blood type. No other information about the blood donor routinely accompanies products.

Invoices are generated through UI Diagnostic Laboratories' (UIDL) billing system with monthly debits to your research MFK. Test ordering is not done via standard Epic processes; the laboratory uses a special research ordering process.

Please contact the below individuals for assistance with technical questions or the Pathology Research Coordinator regarding the process for approval or billing for DBC products.