The Department of Pathology at University of Iowa Health Care demonstrates adherence to the highest quality standards by their participation with the following accrediting and regulatory agencies. You can view or print the individual certificates listed below.

Accrediting/regulatory agencyCertificate
AABB AccreditationNumber: 006033AAAB
Expiration date: 12/31/2025
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California Department of Public Health
Clinical and Public Health Laboratory License
State ID: CDS-90011316
Expiration date: 12/5/2025
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The College of American Pathologists Accreditation 
Certificate for the Emory Warner Clinical Laboratories (CAP)
LAP Number: 1768801
Expiration date: 11/20/2025
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The College of American Pathologists Accreditation 
Certificate for the Iowa River Landing Laboratory (CAP) - IRL
LAP Number: 8677023
Expiration date: 11/20/2025
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Clinical Laboratory Certificate of Accreditation (CLIA)CLIA ID Number: 16D0664625
Expiration date: 02/08/2027
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Clinical Laboratory Certificate of Accreditation (CLIA) - IRLCLIA ID Number: 16D2042329
Expiration date: 12/22/2025
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Drug Enforcement Administration Registration CertificateDEA Registration Number: RU0427244
Expiration date: 05/31/2025
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Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy 
Certificate of Accreditation (FACT)
Expiration date: 01/22/2028
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Food and Drug Administration Registration (FDA)Blood Establishment Registration
DeGowin Blood Center
FEI/CFN Number: 1972918
Expiration date: 11/2025
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Food and Drug Administration Registration (FDA)Tissue Registration
DeGowin Blood Center
FEI Number: 3003767692
Expiration date: 12/2025
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Food and Drug Administration Registration (FDA)Tissue Registration
UI Health Care North Dodge IVF Clinic
FEI Number: 3016052847
Expiration date: 12/2025
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International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation (ICCBBA) (W0409)Licensed facility for the use of ISBT 128
Valid until: 01/31/2025
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International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation (ICCBBA) (W3778)
Licensed facility for the use of ISBT 128
Valid until: 01/31/2025
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Iowa Controlled Substances Certificate of RegistrationRegistration Number: 4300146
Expiration date: 05/31/2025
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State of Maryland Medical Laboratory Permit 
for Molecular Biology
Number: 1275
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The AABB is an international association who accredits more than 2,200 institutions which promote the highest standard of care for patients and donors in all aspects of blood banking, transfusion medicine, hematopoietic and cellular therapies, and tissue transplantation.

To obtain AABB accreditation, the DeGowin Blood Center, which includes both the transfusion service and the donor center, must undergo a voluntary on-site assessment by a team of AABB assessors every two years. This assessment investigates three specific areas: Transfusion activities, Donor Center activities and Quality Management activities.

On July 1, 2001, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) became known as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS is the federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that runs the Medicare and Medicaid programs - two national health care programs that benefit about 75 million Americans. With the Health Resources and Services Administration, CMS runs the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), a program that is expected to cover many of the approximately 10 million uninsured children in the United States.

CMS also regulates all laboratory testing (except research) performed on humans in the United States. Approximately 158,000 laboratory entities fall within CMS's regulatory responsibility. And CMS, with the Departments of Labor and Treasury, helps millions of Americans and small companies get and keep health insurance coverage, and helps eliminate discrimination based on health status for people buying health insurance.

The College of American Pathologists (CAP) is a medical society serving more than 15,000 physician members and the laboratory community throughout the world. It is the world's largest association composed exclusively of pathologists and is widely considered the leader in providing laboratory quality improvement programs. The mission of the CAP is to represent the interests of patients, the public, and pathologists by fostering excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine worldwide.

The CAP's Laboratory Accreditation Program is widely recognized as the "gold standard" and has served as a model for various federal, state, and private laboratory accreditation programs throughout the world. Many institutions are using CAP accreditation to demonstrate their commitment to quality and as a tool to distinguish themselves from the competition. Part of the accreditation process includes an on-site inspection by a team of professionals who work in a similar setting to the one they are inspecting. These inspections are collegial in nature with both the inspector and inspectees having the opportunity to learn. The team uses approximately 15-20 checklists or inspection tools throughout the Clinical and Anatomic Pathology laboratories to determine re-accreditation status.

The Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT) is a voluntary comprehensive standard-setting, inspection and accreditation organization that encompasses all phases of hematopoietic collection, processing and transplant.

At University of Iowa Health Care, the adult bone marrow transplantation service as well as the Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell (HPC) processing laboratory, a division of the DeGowin Blood Center, are accredited by FACT. To obtain FACT accreditation, a team of inspectors performs an on-site inspection every three years, focusing on both operations and quality management activities. Currently, FACT has accredited only 101 organizations.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) protects and enhances the public health through regulation of biological products including blood, vaccines, therapeutics and related drugs and medical devices. Through their responsibility for ensuring the safety of the nations blood supply, the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), a division of the FDA, regulates the collection of blood and blood components used for transfusion and establishes standards for the manufacture of blood products.

The FDA sends a field investigator at least every two years to perform a routine investigation of the DeGowin Blood Center. Each visit is unscheduled and the investigation concludes within four-five days. The role of the FDA is to ensure that blood and blood products carry the lowest risk level achievable. Blood manufacturers are now held to quality standards comparable to those expected of pharmaceutical manufacturers.

The Joint Commission is the nation’s predominant standard-setting and accrediting body for health care organizations. To attain Joint Commission accreditation, a health care organization and/or clinical laboratory must undergo an on-site survey performed by a Joint Commission survey team. These surveys are meant to determine an organization’s commitment to certain performance standards in areas such as patient safety and overall quality of patient care. Here at University of Iowa Health Care, the Joint Commission accredits the hospital as well as well as twelve separate special function laboratories.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) works to ensure safe and healthful workplaces throughout the country. OSHA’s oversight of workers health and safety is carried out at both the national and state level. Workplace inspections are carried out on an unannounced basis. Failure to comply with any of OSHA’s numerous standards could lead to monetary fines against the organization. At University of Iowa Health Care, OSHA’s overview ranges from patient safety to proper ergonomics and injury prevention for workers.