Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Dr. Moore and Dr. Jackson

On April 27th, Dr. Steven Moore was recognized as a silver level Impact Scholar.  This recognition program was established to celebrate current, highly productive Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) faculty members who have had a major scientific impact across the span of their career.  Faculty members who have achieved h-index scores of 50 or higher (silver) or 100 or higher (gold) are recognized as part of a permanent installation near the corridor of northwest-facing windows just off the Jean and Renée Robillard Atrium in the Medical Education and Research Facility.

The h-index, or Hirsch index, represents the productivity and impact of a faculty member based on the recognition of their published research articles by other scientists and scholars.  H-index increases when multiple papers are cited multiple times. A scientist with an h-index of 50 has published at least 50 articles that each have been cited at least 50 times. The h-index calculations for the Carver College of Medicine Impact Scholars Wall are based on publication data from Scopus.

The initial CCOM recognition of Impact Scholars was in 2019.  These individuals included Department of Pathology faculty member John Harty.

A note from Steve Moore:
What a pleasant surprise!  The Impact Scholar recognition stimulated a look back at mentors and collaborators who worked with me to publish a number of papers that pushed my h-index above 50. 

I had great mentors in graduate school at UI Medical Center, especially Brian O’Connor, Dick Peterson, and Dave Felton, when I studied experimental diabetic neuropathy.

  • A quantitative comparison of motor and sensory conduction velocities in short- and long-term streptozotocin- and alloxan-diabetic rats.  Moore, S.A., Peterson, R.G., Felten, D.L., O'Connor, B.L.  Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 1980, 48(1), pp. 133–152


Neuropathology Faculty and Staff

Two of my fellowship mentors, Mike Hart and Bob Schelper, contributed to a foundation in diagnostic neuropathology and provided an environment to pursue research interests.  Working in Dr. Hart’s research lab during AP residency and NP fellowship, I learned to isolate and culture microvascular cells and astrocytes.  I worked closely with a productive neurosurgery resident, Souheil Haddad, on clinical research projects during his rotation on neuropathology.

  • Purification of murine endothelial cell cultures by flow cytometry using fluorescein-labeled griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin.  Sahagun, G., Moore, S.A., Fabry, Z., Schelper, R.L., Hart, M.N.  American Journal of Pathology, 1989, 134(6), pp. 1227–1232
  • Ganglioglioma: 13 years of experience.  Haddad, S.F., Moore, S.A., Menezes, A.H., Vangilder, J.C. Neurosurgery, 1992, 31(2), pp. 171–178
  • Smooth muscle can comprise the sarcomatous component of gliosarcomas. Haddad, S.F., Moore, S.A., Schelper, R.L., Goeken, J.A. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 1992, 51(5), pp. 493–498
Art Spector

Art Spector (Department of Biochemistry) was a key K08 mentor and collaborator during my early years as a faculty member.  In several studies, we characterized the metabolism of bioactive lipids and defined a supportive role for astrocytes to synthesize long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids critical for normal neuronal function.

  • Eicosanoid metabolism in cerebromicrovascular endothelium. Moore, S.A., Spector, A.A., Hart, M.N. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 1988, 254(1)
  • Role of the Blood‐Brain Barrier in the Formation of Long‐Chain ω‐3 and ω‐6 Fatty Acids from Essential Fatty Acid Precursors.  Moore, S.A., Yoder, E., Spector, A.A.  Journal of Neurochemistry, 1990, 55(2), pp. 391–402
  • Astrocytes, Not Neurons, Produce Docosahexaenoic Acid (22:6ω‐3) and Arachidonic Acid (20:4ω‐6). Moore, S.A., Yoder, E., Murphy, S., Dutton, G.R., Spector, A.A. Journal of Neurochemistry, 1991, 56(2), pp. 518–524
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis and release by brain-derived cells in vitro.  Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2001, 16(2-3), pp. 195–200
Kevin Campbell and Katherine D. Mathews

Collaborations began in the mid-1990s with Kevin Campbell and Kathy Mathews that led to continuous NIH funding of the Iowa Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Specialized Research Center (2005 through 2025).  Some of the most notable papers are listed here.

  • I assisted with the muscle pathology evaluation of mouse models created in Dr. Campbell’s laboratory.
    • Progressive muscular dystrophy in α-sarcoglycan-deficient mice. Duclos, F., Straub, V., Moore, S.A., ...Williamson, R., Campbell, K.P. Journal of Cell Biology, 1998, 142(6), pp. 1461–1471
    • Disruption of the sarcoglycan-sarcospan complex in vascular smooth muscle: A novel mechanism for cardiomyopathy and muscular dystrophy. Coral-Vazquez, R., Cohn, R.D., Moore, S.A., ...Williamson, R., Campbell, K.P.  Cell, 1999, 98(4), pp. 465–474
    • Disruption of the β-sarcoglycan gene reveals pathogenetic complexity of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2E. Durbeej, M., Conn, R.D., Hrstka, R.F., ...Williamson, R.A., Campbell, K.P. Molecular Cell, 2000, 5(1), pp. 141–151
  • The foundation was laid for successful referral diagnostic services in FSHD molecular genetic testing and in muscle pathology that continue to be active today.
    • FSH dystrophy 4q35 deletion in patients presenting with facial-sparing scapular myopathy. Felice, K.J., North, W.A., Moore, S.A., Mathews, K.D.  Neurology, 2000, 54(10), pp. 1927–1931
    • Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy in the United States. Moore, S.A., Shilling, C.J., Westra, S., ...Darvish, D., Mendell, J.R. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 2006, 65(10), pp. 995–1003
  • A sabbatical in Kevin Campbell’s laboratory spawned a series of papers that better defined the role of alpha-dystroglycan in brain and peripheral nerve development.
    • Deletion of brain dystroglycan recapitulates aspects of congenital muscular dystrophy. Moore, S.A., Saito, F., Chen, J., ...Hosl, T., Campbell, K.P.  Nature, 2002, 418(6896), pp. 422–425
    • Unique role of dystroglycan in peripheral nerve myelination, nodal structure, and sodium channel stabilization. Saito, F., Moore, S.A., Barresi, R., ...Feltri, M.L., Campbell, K.P. Neuron, 2003, 38(5), pp. 747–758
    • Distinct functions of glial and neuronal dystroglycan in the developing and adult mouse brain. Satz, J.S., Ostendorf, A.P., Hou, S., ...Moore, S.A., Campbell, K.P.  Journal of Neuroscience, 2010, 30(43), pp. 14560–14572
Neuron Cover
  • Our work in the Wellstone Center contributed to the identification and characterization of new dystroglycanopathy genes.
    • ISPD loss-of-function mutations disrupt dystroglycan O-mannosylation and cause Walker-Warburg syndrome. Willer, T., Lee, H., Lommel, M., ...Moore, S.A., Campbell, K.P. Nature Genetics, 2012, 44(5), pp. 575–580
    • Mutations in GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase B cause congenital and limb-girdle muscular dystrophies associated with hypoglycosylation of α-dystroglycan.  Carss, K.J., Stevens, E., Foley, A.R., ...Lin, Y.-Y., Muntoni, F.  American Journal of Human Genetics, 2013, 93(1), pp. 29–41
    • The functional O-mannose glycan on α-dystroglycan contains a phospho-ribitol primed for matriglycan addition.  Praissman, J.L., Willer, T., Osman Sheikh, M., ...Campbell, K.P., Wells, L.  eLife, 2016, 5(APRIL2016), e14473
ISPD Walker-Wartburg Syndrome
  • The availability of muscle biopsy resources in the Wellstone Center Repository and the expertise of our histotechnologists were recognized by biotech companies developing therapeutics for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Our involvement in clinical trial assay development and the processing of clinical trial biopsies began in 2009 and continues to expand today. 
    • Ataluren treatment of patients with nonsense mutation dystrophinopathy. Bushby, K., Finkel, R., Wong, B., ...Case, L., Ollendick, K. Muscle and Nerve, 2014, 50(4), pp. 477–487