The Department of Pathology has appointed Dr. Matthew Krasowski to the Walter L. Bierring Professorship of Clinical Education.
Dr. Bierring was arguably the first true Head of the Department, serving from 1893-1903. The endowment was established to allow for the recognition of faculty teaching effort in a clinical setting, i.e. in the context of patient related activities. This endowed professorship recognizes educational activities undertaken by a faculty member in a clinical venue directed to trainees, especially house staff (residents and fellows). Dr. Nancy Rosenthal was the first faculty member to hold the professorship (2007-2016).
Dr. Krasowski received the Certificate of Appreciation for Contributions to Medical Education at the University of Iowa from the Department of Pathology in 2012 and in 2014 he received the Pathology Resident Teaching Award. In 2015 he received both the Frank A. Mitros Excellence in Teaching and Clinical Services Award as well as the Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) Collegiate Teaching Award – given to only one CCOM faculty member each year.
Letters of support for his appointment to this professorship included the following observations. One colleague commented that Matt “will continue to exhibit his passion for teaching as well as his sincere desire to motivate students from diverse backgrounds and educational experiences…through his leadership style he helps students feel as though they are part of a collaborative process and that their opinions and perspectives really do count.” Another stated “Matt is widely recognized, both nationally and internationally, as a superb clinical educator, and has become one of the most respected leaders in residency and undergraduate medical education in the fields of pathology and laboratory medicine, clinical chemistry, toxicology, pharmacogenomics, and laboratory management. Dr. Krasowski has been a leading advocate on the national scene for developing new pathways for engaging medical students to consider pursuing careers in laboratory medicine and to encourage physician-scientist trainees to enter the field…More recently, Dr. Krasowski and his colleagues have led the way in redefining the roles of the clinical pathologist – as a clinical consultant and integral part of the patient care team.”
We are very fortunate to have such an accomplished educator in our midst. Congratulations Dr. Krasowski!