Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Dr. Leslie Bruch

Dr. Leslie Bruch, Professor Emerita in the Department of Pathology, has recently been appointed as the new faculty Co-Director for Flocks Learning Community in the Carver College of Medicine.

Those who know Dr. Bruch know she is passionate about medical education. She has held many roles in medical education during her career including serving as a course director, residency director, director of the pathology small groups, pathology vice-chair for education, CCOM admissions committee member, and others. She couldn’t miss out on also getting to be a learning community co-director so she is back in this new role. The community faculty directors serve in an advisory and oversight role providing leadership for the learning community as well as academic/career counseling, student support and mentoring. Learn more about Dr. Bruch's background on her Department of Pathology profile.

The CCOM Learning Communities were established in 1999 to enhance the activities, opportunities and relationships students encounter beyond the formal curriculum. Each medical and physician assistant student is in one of four communities. Students assume leadership roles, engage in service learning and philanthropic efforts, and hold a variety of social and wellness activities throughout the year.  Communities foster the development of supportive relationships among students at all levels, pre-clinical and clinical, of the medical and PA programs. They also facilitate students’ interactions with college faculty and staff, as well as with individuals and families supported by local community service agencies. 

Find more information about the CCOM Learning Communities here: https://medicine.uiowa.edu/md/curriculum/learning-communities