Monisha Mittal successfully defended her MS thesis this past June and completed the Pathology MS program. Monisha's thesis is entitled
Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase Regulates the Development of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE). She performed her thesis work in the laboratory of Dr. Jian Zhang where she investigated the role of the c-GAS-STING pathway in the induction and severity of EAE, an animal model of multiple sclerosis. Monisha's results showed the need for c-GAS-STING pathway activation in dendritic cells to promote the induction of autoreactive CD4
+ T cells that drive initiation and progression of EAE. These findings not only provide insights into the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis, but also potential targets for new therapies. In addition to Dr. Zhang, Drs. Kevin Legge, Ashutosh Mangalam and Thomas Waldschmidt served on her committee. Monisha has now moved on to Northeastern University in Boston, MA, where she is pursuing a graduate degree in bioinformatics.