Friday, June 19, 2020

The American Association of Neuropathologists (AANP); held their annual national meeting June 11-14, 2020.  Two Iowa trainee presentations at the meeting were superb and well-received.  Our colleagues from around the country offered high praise and encouragement to pursue careers in neuropathology.  Each trainee earned an award from the AANP for their abstract and/or presentations.

Nicole Peyton

First, Nicole Peyton, MD (R2) was selected to receive one of the Richard Davis awards for her abstract titled, “Dysferlinopathy muscle pathology does not mimic myositis”.  The Richard Davis awards have historically been travel awards.  This year the AANP made cash awards to select trainees despite not traveling.  What a great idea!!  Dick Davis is a past president of AANP who wore many different hats over the years for the AANP.  He was one of the primary organizers of the international NP meeting held in San Francisco back in 2006.  Following that meeting, these awards were created that carry his name.  Working with Nicole on this project are Drs. Karra Jones and Steve Moore.

Lucy Evans

Second, Lucy Evans (MSTP student, Molecular Medicine) received the award for Best Neurodegenerative Disease case presented in the Diagnostic Slide Session, an extremely popular component of the AANP meeting.  Lucy worked up the autopsy brain and eyes from a young adult patient with a form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (see case #4) at the American Association of Neuropathologists - 2020 Diagnostic Slide Session Cases site.  Tessa Hedley-White, an icon at Mass General, commented “AWESOME CASE” during Lucy’s presentation.  Mentoring Lucy for this case evaluation and presentation are Drs. Katherine Gibson-Corley and Karra Jones.