Callie Ostwinkle is the December 2017 winner of the Under the Scope Award - Congratulations to Callie!
Callie’s nomination: Callie completed her ASCP microbiology specialist certification in September. On top of this, she is a great co-worker and technologist.
How long have you worked in Pathology?
I began working in Micro in 2008 as a student lab assistant and then began working as an MLS after I graduated in 2011. I’m now the point technologist for MALDI-TOF instrumentation in the Microbiology lab.
What do you enjoy about working here?
The people I work with. I also love the fact that we’re in the middle of Iowa, but we’re doing world class things here at the University.
How did you decide to become a lab professional?
In high school I was doing routine lab things for one of my biology instructors and I knew I wanted to work in health care in some capacity but wasn’t exactly sure how to make it work. When I started college I saw it pop up on a list of possible professions and began working in the lab as a freshman.
What are some of your hobbies outside of work?
I love being outdoors – I really enjoy hiking, camping, and backpacking. Colorado is a favorite spot for any of those activities.
What is your favorite vacation you’ve been on?
Galveston, Texas. I took a class and learned how to surf.
What is your favorite movie?
My go-to is The Princess Bride.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Flying or teleportation – something to do with quick travel.
Is there someone you would like to recognize for their achievements or for being an overall great co-worker? Find the nomination form for the Under the Scope award on the left-hand side of the Pathology Intranet.