Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Every year ASCLS-IA recognizes individuals, whom have been deemed by their peers, that show outstanding service and dedication to their profession, co-workers and patients. Members are asked to submit a nomination form detailing why they feel these individual should be recognized. Once the nominations have been submitted they are reviewed and voted on by the Nomination committee.

Phlebotomist of the Year:

Devon Carey received Phlebotomist of the Year and Misty Smith received Phlebotomist of the Year Honorable Mention. This award serves to recognize the phlebotomists who are both the legs and the public face of the lab. The quality of our lab testing depends a great deal on their skills. Plus a patient's impression of the laboratory and of laboratorians is mostly determined by his or her interaction with the phlebotomist.

Pathology / ASCLS - Phlebotomist of the Year

Pictured above left to right: Jan Frerichs, MT (ASCP), Devon Carey, PBT (ASCP), Misty Smith, PBT (ASCP) and Theresa Fruehling, MA Forensic Psychology, MLS (ASCP)

Outstanding Support Staff:

This award serves to honor those lab secretaries, data entry clerks, processing techs, and others who are essential in keeping the lab running.

Susie Goodell, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Department of Pathology, Core Laboratories

Pathology / ASCLS - Outstanding Support Staff

Pictured above left to right: Jan Frerichs, MT (ASCP), Susie Goodell and Theresa Fruehling, MA Forensic Psychology, MLS (ASCP)

Membership Milestones

Theresa Fruehling and Cory Morris 10 years

Pathology / ASCLS - Membership Milestones

Pictured above left to right: Jan Frerichs, MT (ASCP), Cory Morris, MLS (ASCP) and Theresa Fruehling, MA Forensic Psychology, MLS (ASCP)

Omicron Sigma:

First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President's Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to the ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service.
National - Theresa Fruehling 
Regional - Jan Frerichs