Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Dr. Karandikar and Dr. Miller

Our ninth annual Pathology Research Day was held on Tuesday, October 28, 2014. Research Day included a full schedule of presenters covering a variety of research topics. Morning seminar presentations by faculty, trainees and staff took place in the HP Smith Conference Room (W256 GH) and the plenary presentation, given by Dr. Stephen Miller, was held at 1:00 PM in the Medical Education and Research Facility (2117 MERF). The poster session was held in the Eckstein Medical Research Building (EMRB Atrium) with 39 posters presented throughout the afternoon. The daylong event was an opportunity for Pathology researchers to share their research projects, latest findings and knowledge about topics inherent to their daily work and career.

Stephen Miller

Stephen D. Miller, PhD

The Department of Pathology invited Dr. Stephen Miller as the plenary speaker. Dr. Miller is Director of the Interdepartmental Immunobiology Center, Judy Gugenheim Research Professor, and Professor in Microbiology-Immunology and Dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

The title of his talk was: "Nanoparticle Approaches for Translation of Tolerogenic and Anti-inflammatory Therapies for Auto(immune) Diseases."

Learn more about Dr. Miller.

Department Speakers:
Ann Simons-Burnett, PhD, Assistant Professor
Lauren Workman, BS, Graduate Student
Chen Zhao, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor
Emma Hornick, MS, Graduate Student
Sergei Syrbu, MD, PhD, Associate Professor
Gagan Mathur MD, Resident
Munir Tanas, MD, Assistant Professor