Tuesday, October 11, 2011
A group of people looking at a research poster

Our sixth annual Pathology Research Day held on October 11, 2011 was a chance for Pathology's researchers to share their research topics, latest findings and knowledge about topics inherent to their daily work and career. The day included a full schedule of presenters covering a variety of research topics. Thirty two research posters were also displayed throughout the day.

Presentation Speakers and Titles (In order of presentation):

Alicia Olivier, D.V.M., Ph.D., Assistant Professor - Altered endocrine pancreas function prior to parenchymal destruction in newborn cystic fibrosis ferrets

Joe Mitros, M.D., Surgical Pathology Fellow - Lipogranulomas, pigment, and hepatitis C

Marina Ivanovic, M.D., F.I.A.C., Associate Professor - MTA-1 as a prognostic factor for aggressive prostate cancer

Ken Blackwell, B.A., Research Associate - New mechanistic Insights in TNFα-induced NF-κB activation

Ann Simons-Burnett, Ph.D., Assistant Professor - Role of NOX4 in autophagy and IL6 expression in head and neck cancer cells

Huy Nguyen, M.S., Graduate Student  - Dystroglycan in cerebellar development and diseases

Adam Dupuy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor  - The adaptive immune system does not strongly suppress spontaneous tumors in a Sleeping Beauty model of cancer

Plenary Presentation:

Jonathan Braun

Jonathan Braun, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Co-Director, Institute of Molecular Medicine
University of California at Los Angeles 

Reconsidering intestinal inflammation and cancer through the lens of Microbiome ecology