Tuesday, October 10, 2006
A group of people looking at research posters

Our first Pathology Research Day held on October 10, 2006 was a chance for Pathology’s researchers to share their research topics, latest findings and knowledge about topics inherent to their daily work and career. The day included a full schedule of presenters covering a variety of research topics. Over fifty research posters were also displayed throughout the day. The day was a success and the department will be planning to have another Pathology Research Day next year.

Presentation Titles and Speakers:

Jamie Weydert, MD, Assistant Professor - Utility of Histochemical Organism Stains in Pulmonary Surgical Pathology

Sigrid Wayne, MD, Surgical Pathology Fellow - Don’t stick to the point: Intraoperative frozen section on follicular neoplasms reduces total thyroidectomies for benign lesions

Sandra Richter, MD, Associate Professor - Increasing Telithromycin Resistance Among Streptococcus Pyogenes in Europe

Ji Fan, PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow - Impairment of dendritic cell antigen-presenting ability caused by chronic ethanol exposure

Peter Nagy, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor - Interplay of Lysine Methylation and Serine/threonine Phosphorylation

Drew Vanderheyden, MD, Co-Chief Resident - The EGFR/PI3K/PTEN/AKT Pathway in Glioblastoma Multiforme

Tomomi Kuwana, PhD, Assistant Professor - Investigation of apoptosis pathways using in vitro systems – molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization in apoptosis

Chris Bromley, Research Assistant III - Detection of HER-2/neu Gene Amplification Using Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization and Tissue Microarray

Laila Dahmoush, MD, Assistant Professor - Improving patient safety by examining pathology errors

Ron Boeding, Emory Warner Fellow - Respiratory Dendritic Cell Deletion Alters Adaptive CD8 T Cell Immunity During Influenza Infections

Tom Raife, MD, Associate Professor - A Human Thrombomodulin Knockin Mouse

AJA Davis, Pathology Graduate Student - Unleashing Natural Killers: How NK cells recognize viral infections

Michael Cohen, MD, Professor and Head - Musings on the Future of Research in the Department

Many people standing in the medical education research facility looking at posters and tlaking
A group of people looking at research posters